© Jeff Crowner 2011
This blade is made off of one of Wayne Goddard's fighter patterns. I have used a training version in my Kali classes with great success. This blade is wonderful and light in the hand making it very quick. The handle is deceptively comfortable in both grips. I made this one out of Bucorp K110 (D2) steel. The handles are red G10 from Alpha Knife Supply. I am currently making some with OD Green G10. Thanks once again Wayne for influencing me with the blade craft. Wayne is pure genius. Wayne Goddard has done more for the knife world than most anyone else. We as knife makers owe him many thanks for the research and development done within this realm. Thank you Wayne and Phyllis Goddard for being so giving to others.
© Jeff Crowner 2011This blade is a Bucorp N-690 stainless steel fighter. I have included filework on some OD Green G-10 handle slabs. Everything is handmade and heat treated by myself. I will have this one featured on my table N-12 at the OKCA knife show second weekend of April 2011. Please stop by and take a look and pick it up.....
© Jeff Crowner 2011This piece is a Bucorp K-110 (D2) fighter with G-10 scales. This one has a very fast light feel due to the tapered tang on it. I will get a pic later of the tapered tang.